The Moonglow Lavender Story
Hi! I'm Jill, the one who started this journey into a lavender life. I am a mom, wife, occupational therapist, and small business owner. Jim (Farmer Jim), my husband, makes the field possible to grow our beautiful lavender. He also has the ability to fix almost anything that has gone wrong...usually due to me and my messes. Marin is our daughter who provides laughter and assistance with all aspects of the business. She keeps me grounded. Then there is Quinn. Quinn, our German Shorthair Pointer. He helps in no possible way but, my goodness he is cute. We are your typical family. Busy with school and sports activities, work, home life, and other adulting responsibilities.
For me, the dark days of winter usually bring about thinking of how to keep busy or a new project. Moonglow Lavender started with my need to grow and nurture a useful crop to share with the community and beyond. We chose to grow lavender. Lavender has many benefits and has been used for centuries. It has been used for its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties for healing wounds. The lavender scent brings calmness, and studies have shown it to improve attention and memory.
Our field is located in Wayne, Maine. The field is on a south-facing slope with enormous pasture pines at the top that look like guardians watching over the field. Being in the field brings peace to me every time. The sound of birds and bees and the scent of the flowers is powerful. The microclimate of the field and sand is perfect for growing lavender. We started with a small test plot in 2019. We learned what we should do and not do, and it turns out our learning continues every year. In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, we started Moonglow Lavender. We introduced a few products in that year, and as we continue to add more lavender to the field, we will be adding new products such as culinary buds. Yup, lavender is a lovely herb that can be added to sweet or savory dishes.
Thank you for following us and sharing in our journey! We could not continue with our business without you and the support of our community.
NOTE: Our field is not open to the public as the incline of the hill is significant, which could create safety issues with mobility.